More shops given the OK to open
The Prime Minister has set out his timeline for businesses to start re-opening in June, including plans for open air markets and car showrooms to open from Monday, 1 June and other “non-essential” retailers expected to be able to reopen from 15 June if the government’s five tests are met and they follow safety guidelines.
Schools opening to more children
Yesterday the government confirmed that schools and early years providers could start to take in more children from Monday, 1 June. In Portsmouth, we’ve worked closely with schools to help to ensure that children in early years settings, Year R, Year 1, Year 6 and Year 10 can return over the coming weeks if the conditions are right to do so.
You can now ask for a virus test
If you have symptoms of coronavirus, you can ask for a test to check if you have the illness. You can ask for a test:
- for yourself, if you have coronavirus symptoms now (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste)
- for someone you live with, if they have coronavirus symptoms
Rules on parking and dogs return
A much larger number of people are travelling and making use of open spaces for longer periods of time following the ease of government restrictions. This has resulted in many councils across the country reintroducing rules that had been temporarily suspended. Rules around parking restrictions and dogs on beaches will start to be enforced again in Portsmouth from Monday, 1 June to manage more activity in the city.
Making sure you stay up to date
We’re doing everything we can to make sure we’re directing you to the most up-to-date information and advice. It’s important to make sure you get information from official sources.
As well as links to official information about what’s happening nationally, you can find the latest information about coronavirus, how it’s affecting Portsmouth and how you can get help on our website.
We’re also putting regular updates on social media, so check our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram