Creating a brighter future for Salisbury
We have a unique opportunity to create a hospital and campus that will transform healthcare, employment and drive economic growth for Salisbury and beyond.
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust (SFT) and partners are exploring how to create a sustainable, integrated and environmentally sensitive, net zero carbon development around Salisbury District Hospital.
This is a hospital-led project that plans to combine new education, training and research capacity, while also providing new hospital facilities, embracing the best of modern technology. By bringing education, training and technology together with health, it will foster research, development and supply chain opportunities, driving wider community and environmental benefits.
Since the project was launched, we have made significant progress – we will soon be in a position to provide an update to the public.
Project background
Salisbury District Hospital is, like many other hospitals, facing a challenging future and must plan for increased pressures on resources, greater efficiency and improved service delivery, with the age of some of the facilities adding to the challenge.
The hospital is in need of urgent reconfiguration and regeneration to meet the challenges of 21st century healthcare
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