As lockdown continues, Fareham Borough Council has been working hard to support our local pubs.
22 pubs across the Borough have now received £1,000 payments, thanks to the Council’s grants team. Two more pubs have now submitted evidence to support their applications and will receive their payments this week.
The funds come from the Government’s Christmas Support Payment for Wet Led Pubs. The scheme was originally due to close at the end of January but has now been extended by a month. Officers worked hard to pro-actively identify pubs considered to be eligible and encourage them to apply.
The Council then strove to process the grants quickly so that 100% of all the identified eligible applicants will have received their payments by the end of this week.
Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward, said:
“Our pubs are an important part of local life and we want to do all we can to make sure they are there for us to return to when it is safe to do so. It has been a very challenging time for hospitality businesses, and I would urge any other pubs who think they may have missed out on this funding to apply.”
For more information about grants available for local businesses head to: