With 3,000 people currently taking part in the UK trial for a four-day working week, we are delighted to welcome Group Managing Director and General Manager, Emlyn Taylor from Lockheed Martin UK Rotary & Mission Systems based in Havant to talk about why the shorter working week works for his workforce.
He will be joining the next Workforce South Action Group as guest speaker and relating how his company took the decision and what it has meant for staff morale and productivity.
According to 4 Day Week Global, a not-for-profit community established by Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart to provide a platform for like-minded people who are interested in supporting the idea of the 4 day work week as a part of the future of work, 63% of businesses found it easier to attract and retain talent with a 4 day week.
Research has shown that a happy workforce is more productive and the benefits for the planet are also plain as cutting commuting back and forth to the workplace reduces emissions and the demand on natural resources.
Business South Community Manager, Kate Pearce, said: “We are delighted Emlyn can join us to share his valuable insights on this key topic for businesses.
“It is timely given the UK trial looking at a reduction in the work week from a standard 40 hours to 32 hours for the same pay and benefits, for the Workforce South group to be exploring the pros and cons of a four-day week as part of future work.”