The New Forest National Park was designated in March 2005.
The New Forest National Park is a world capital for wildlife. More than half the national park is designated for its international importance for nature conservation – more than any other English national park. Its unique landscape has been shaped over the centuries by grazing ponies, cattle and pigs which roam free and are known as the ‘architects of the Forest’. This ancient system and culture of commoning is still practiced today. Majestic woodlands, rare heathland and a spectacular coastline provide fabulous opportunities for quiet recreation, enjoyment and discovery.
The National Park Authority is the planning authority for the area and our statutory purposes are to:
Conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Park – Protect.
Promote opportunities for understanding and enjoyment of its special qualities – Enjoy.
We also have a duty to:
Seek to foster the social and economic well-being of local communities within the Park – Prosper.
Find out about our corporate sponsorship and volunteering programmes at www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/info/20160/corporate_partners or contact our Grants Officer Fiona Wynne: Fiona.wynne@newforestnpa.gov.uk; direct line: 01590 646634.
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