
Sustainable South has a commitment to share best practices and join forces to make things happen.

Building on the sound work of the Green Halo partnership, which encompassed local authorities, the New Forest National Park and academia, Sustainable South Action Group plans to endorse and develop the Greenprint priorities.

Sustainable South brings businesses to the table with the public sector, academia and New Forest National Park. Together they will be using these five priorities to focus debate and activity.

Our Goals

1. Net zero with nature.

Providing the leadership necessary to reduce carbon emissions, taking a more integrated and holistic approach by working with nature to build a zero carbon economy and zero carbon communities.

2. Natural health service.

Improving physical and mental health and wellbeing and tackling health inequalities through greater access to our world class natural environments and bringing nature into our urban communities.

3. World class blue & green environments.

protecting, restoring and improving our distinctive, high quality blue and green environments, enabling the natural capital and ecosystem services they offer us to contribute fully to a strong economy and a healthy, inclusive society.

4. Creating great places through quality in design and build

Encouraging an innovative approach to creating high quality, inclusive and sustainable places for people and nature, adopting a low-carbon, sustainable approach which will make the region an exemplar.

5. Centre for excellence in green skills and jobs

Tackle local skills gaps and economic inequalities by building a future workforce which can seize the opportunities offered by innovation in key sectors of our economy, including zero carbon economy, land management and the visitor economy.

Key People


Apprentice Building Surveyor

Social Value Coordinator

Involved Champions

Mayflower Theatre
Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure
Lester Aldridge LLP
Willmott Dixon Construction
New Forest National Park Authority
Eastleigh Borough Council
Winchester City Council
Home Grown Hotels
Southampton Solent University
Cavendish Consulting
The Southern Co-operative

Contact Us

We’re dedicated to boosting the Central South through economic growth, investment, and strong networks.

Reach out to us to grow your business, explore resources, or become a Champion.

  • 02380 518223
  • 0844 332 0131
  • Solent Business Centre,
    343 Millbrook Road West,
    SO15 0HW

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